View Full Version : Hypothetically if I want to update a couple wiki pages by myself how do I do that

08-03-2018, 01:57 AM
Tried making a account a year ago on wiki to update certain pages and info just so it would be more detailed and it keeps telling me error insufficient privileges or something like that

reasons I want to do this include

1. Im bored
2.It will help others skip the bull crap of self learning/teaching they have to go through to actually find certain answers to things they want and make their gaming life smoother
3. By making things in wiki more detailed helps people spend less time finding things out ingame and increases productive sessions of gaming where instead of trying to find the answer to where do I get this and what level do I need they can use that time leveling merching/selling things to other players there for increasing the economy in a minor way and if they are people like me who plan to max skills step by step by doing math it will increase their speed and make it so the game has more high level players in a shorter amount of time which in cause and effect make more people do dungeon runs like labs or gazkeep and not always the same people and will add some more spice to life with new high level players to do stuff with

08-03-2018, 06:14 AM
Somehow important things got lost in translation here. Project: Gorgon isn't about a speed race. It's about exploration. We're still in beta; fast leveling is detrimental to testing. The wiki goes out of the way to hide spoilers and allow players to find their own paths. Not everyone wants the spoilers you've been handing out in global recently--that's actually a problem. We have spoiler alerts for a reason.

Telling people exactly how to do things isn't at all the point. If you do that, like you, they will become bored and probably move on.

So that's not the kind of thing to include in the wiki. However, making some guides for steam seems more appropriate if that's what you want to do. Just go to the steam forum and post your guides! Understand that many in the community appreciate being able to learn things at their own pace. They come to Project: Gorgon precisely BECAUSE it doesn't hold hands and just give you everything right off the bat.

So yeah. That.

If you want to work on the wiki in the way it was intended, go for it. Contact BetaNotus by pm here on the forum. He'll help you troubleshoot your registration.