View Full Version : Vow of Silence?

07-18-2018, 09:34 AM
I was just wondering if there is a title given for not talking in chat? I'd ask in game, but that would kill my current streak.

I've seen the list of titles on the wiki, but they don't have descriptions so I can't know for sure ("The Hermit" or "The Unseen," maybe?)

Or, in general, how long would one have to play a style to get a title? I've heard 20 hours, but that may be hearsay.

07-18-2018, 11:43 AM
Well, I can let you know a few things. I am unaware of any behavior badge, or associated title, related to staying silent. It's a good idea though!

"The Hermit" is a title given out by a Duke Kickstarter backer.
"The Unseen" is a title given out by a Lord Kickstarter backer.

07-18-2018, 03:11 PM
Thank you very much for letting me know! I'm more of a helper in games, so not speaking is kind of annoying, and it also makes trading pretty difficult.