View Full Version : Titles
07-17-2018, 11:17 PM
I want to talk about titles and how they're being used in this game. I know Citan said last month that the gorgon shop would be open within a week and it still isn't, but I'm sure some form of title will be available within the shop like it was on the kickstarter. What I want to address is how titles currently work.
They're rare for the most part and the title owner is the only person that can make unlimited copies to give to other people, it's a neat idea, but it allows a gross amount of easy income that I don't think should truly be there. As it stands, people will throw ~100k at titles, that means the owner can make millions with zero actual effort.
I suggest that anyone who buys or is given a title copy from another person can then also do the same. Currently they can't unless they're the original title owner. The reason I suggest this is that it makes it a bit more fair, if people decide to sell their title, it's not going to be as rare and it will continually drop in price, it's not an unlimited cash cow. They can still make money, just not nearly as much without the title deflating in worth and spreading around - so it's a choice they have to make. Either keep their title and its rarity intact while actually farming in-game for money, or selling it for a quick buck and allowing it to devaluate in both rarity and price.
07-18-2018, 01:22 AM
Just want to clarify a couple things. Only the yellow titles that were given to players who bought the corresponding Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Gorgon Shop packages (the $500+ ones) can distribute their title, but only a given amount per week. All other titles like the white status titles and the green GUIDE event titles (Lucky Ducky, Raffle Racer and Jam Master) cannot be reproduced and given out. Eventually the yellow titles MIGHT become available again in the new Gorgon Shop, but that is yet to be determined. As development of the game progresses, there will be many more opportunities to acquire hundreds of titles from multiple sources including but not limited to status milestones, live events and quests. As for the return of the Gorgon Shop, that may still be a few weeks away. What will be included in the first set of packages when the shop reopens is still being determined.
Rick Sanchez
07-18-2018, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the clarification @Rummencola. Any idea if we can stack the titles so that we can insane long names like. RickSanchez the Lucky Ducky, Killer of Foes, Poetry jam Master, and on and on and on. I just want to go out there and make someone address me by my full title sometimes :cool:
07-19-2018, 09:11 AM
Just want to clarify a couple things. Only the yellow titles that were given to players who bought the corresponding Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Gorgon Shop packages (the $500+ ones) can distribute their title, but only a given amount per week. All other titles like the white status titles and the green GUIDE event titles (Lucky Ducky, Raffle Racer and Jam Master) cannot be reproduced and given out. Eventually the yellow titles MIGHT become available again in the new Gorgon Shop, but that is yet to be determined. As development of the game progresses, there will be many more opportunities to acquire hundreds of titles from multiple sources including but not limited to status milestones, live events and quests. As for the return of the Gorgon Shop, that may still be a few weeks away. What will be included in the first set of packages when the shop reopens is still being determined.
Why would they not become available again? I'm not positive on how the titles worked with the previous kickstarters, I saw the title list ( and there were a ton in there besides the 3 you said given out by guides. And I know I've seen at least 5 different ones being sold.
Also, the reason I brought this up is because it seems to be contradicting what I read Citan say about p2p (pay to progress), I thought he was against it, but this is technically that, you pay $ for a title which you can distribute for ingame money without it losing any value really. What I'm suggesting is just a way to limit that unlimited ingame value. Maybe a different suggestion would be better, as it is right now that's a ton of easy money without actually playing the game.
Rick Sanchez
07-19-2018, 09:57 AM
Im searching for Title: 'Fun Fact: i'm a taco!!!!!' anyone know where I might be able to get one?
07-19-2018, 12:03 PM
The Taco title I've seen for sale at a player vendor in the F area a while back
As for the titles that can be sold, keep in mind that these are Kickstarter rewards that people received for keeping the lights on at Citan's house so the game could keep going... That's not pay to win, regardless if the player can sell it later
Having 100k is not winning the game, nor is 10-20 times that much... How many people do you think are actually spending that amount of money on a silly title, and if you think that number is a big number, that just goes to show how little 100k is worth
07-19-2018, 12:41 PM
The Taco title I've seen for sale at a player vendor in the F area a while back
As for the titles that can be sold, keep in mind that these are Kickstarter rewards that people received for keeping the lights on at Citan's house so the game could keep going... That's not pay to win, regardless if the player can sell it later
Having 100k is not winning the game, nor is 10-20 times that much... How many people do you think are actually spending that amount of money on a silly title, and if you think that number is a big number, that just goes to show how little 100k is worth
Didn't say it was pay to win mate, this isn't a pvp game, said it's pay to progress, and getting a few mill without playing the game at all is that. As I said in my post above, I'm just suggesting a way to make it be less income, maybe you have a better suggestion unless you think going down this track is fine.
And regarding the value of 100k, that's maybe 2 hours max of farming. So yes titles sell a lot, and unless I'm wrong you can make 15 copies a week, so~1.5m a week. (30 hours of farming a week for free if they all sold, which they probably wouldn't)
More titles will most likely be added that work the same way, I'm trying to suggest an alternative for how it works since the cash shop is being added soon. It's the best time to discuss this. I don't think limiting it to say 1-2 copies a week would make any difference besides increasing the value drastically. So I'm not sure what else could be done besides what I suggested in my first post.
07-19-2018, 09:20 PM
Is it ok if the currently purchased resellable titles stay as is?
07-20-2018, 07:14 AM
Is it ok if the currently purchased resellable titles stay as is?
I'm not sure. The suggestion I made would be for -all- titles, I don't think it'd work any other way.
This thread is almost entirely speculative. We don't know yet how it'll actually work since Citan hasn't released any info, maybe it's going to be like 2 specific titles in the cash shop with zero actual variety. Then it doesn't really matter I guess? But should every single person who crowdfunded this have the option to make free councils weekly?
Alternatively, it could be a random assortment from all existing titles, or a new set of titles. Either of which would be devalued by people buying them, so old titles and new titles alike would end up depreciating in value over time and that makes my suggestion pointless. That is unless it's a new set of titles, then old titles will always stay a constant moneymaker unless the way it works is changed or there's a way to obtain them again.
07-20-2018, 08:18 AM
I kickstarted a title (which I have not picked yet, oh well). My general attitude is that my title is mine and that if I happen to be generous enough to bestow it on someone else, they should not be able to pass it on to a random crowd of people of their choosing. If something were to get implemented that would allow other people to pass on my title, the only thing that would ensure is that I'd never give my title to someone else. Other people may feel the same way, so doing something that retroactively affects already bestowed titles would be bad.
In general, I don't see the concern. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the relative pools, but I think that the amount of players who got a custom title is fairy large while the amount of players that want to pay a large amount of cash to collect all the possible titles is probably fairly small. If someone was clever enough to come up with a title that other people want to pay for and they are willing to sell it, more power to them. ( Keep also in mind that millions collected now will still be wiped at launch. I'd expect the overall amount of cash per title to shrink over time as more titles enter the game.)
Edit: Actually reading what Rum said, the number of players with title bestowal would be pretty small. I still kind of feel it's a market with diminishing returns though. Again I may be missing something, but I'm having a hard time imagining shelling out any amount of cash for a title whose main specialness consists of "I paid this random dude x amount of councils".
Rick Sanchez
07-20-2018, 08:50 AM
I think it would be awesome if there was a way down the road to have a quest to receive one of the titles and or add a ranking factor to titles that are bestowed on others.
07-20-2018, 11:06 AM
I got the Taco title from Pandakiller a member of DOM, I was under the impression it was there title and only he could bestow it but I maybe mistaken.
He has not been on for 10 days or so. At a push I guess they could be reached via twitch I think they go by PandaPlays there.
As for others being given the option to share, that would suck for those that got titles after spending cash.
They should remain in control of them surely.
It's bad enough they got to put up with, hey your titles cool, give me it pls.
Thks Panda + Lyra
Had a later thought that maybe when player owned titles are bestowed on others there should be a few more options like month or year duration. It seems a little weird to have a title for you and then let loads of others have it too.
07-20-2018, 03:25 PM
...If you gave away your title, would you have it anymore?
Rick Sanchez
07-21-2018, 07:25 AM
...If you gave away your title, would you have it anymore?
Someone let me know if I'm off on this but what I read on titles that you can bestow you retain it and just make a scroll that can be used to receive the title by another player.
07-21-2018, 12:44 PM
Could title givers be allowed to revoke the title? I know its not like that currently.
Kings could bestow and revoke titles at will.
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