View Full Version : ur-cow

07-13-2018, 09:25 AM
after I got the ur-cow curse, I could not even get into the bank to get my belongings. I felt this was not my kind of game.
I un-installed it ,but want to thank you for the time playing.

07-13-2018, 09:43 AM
after I got the ur-cow curse, I could not even get into the bank to get my belongings. I felt this was not my kind of game.
I un-installed it ,but want to thank you for the time playing.

Sorry to hear that you gave up on it. Project Gorgon does not hold peoples hands through everything with tons of tutorials, though there are pop-ups and messages to explain some things early on. If you are into immersion you would not search for answers outside of the game. However, a simple solution to this curse could be found if you had checked our forums (any of us would gladly help), read the wikipedia page for PG, etc. You also could have found out that there is a bookshelf they added specifically for animals to be able to do all their banking (actually there are several, one in serbule, one in kur, can't remember if there are more). It was decided that animals having to switch forms (which can be very costly) was a bit too harsh so they added a book shelf (room next to the serbule council storage guy) that when you interact with it shows you all your banking you have unlocked. The room next to it (the one I mentioned in previous sentence) has your council storage which is upgradeable and animals can always check it.

This may not be the game for you if you give up so easily as PG, as the developers have stated many times, is not for those that want to be lead through all the content and have everything very simplified. It's really not that hard of a game though if you are willing to problem solve, or like me just ask a friend or do some research (PG wiki!).

One last thing, and this isn't meant to be rude, but consider reading a bit more thoroughly before buying a game. It's certainly frustrating that you spent some money and gave up early on but if you had read some reviews of the game they stressed the "no hand holding" and confusing nature of the game. This is most certainly not World of Warcraft. I say that not to be mean spirited but to maybe save you money in the future or cause you to give the game a second look - it's well designed.

07-13-2018, 09:45 AM
There are several ways to approach being cursed, while uninstalling is certainly one of them...there are other options for either removing the curse or working within the limitations of the curse to access storage.

07-13-2018, 10:47 AM
Cowed into quitting, eh?

If you did have any interest in playing further, ask most any evening for help in global and someone will come along to help you get that removed in short order.

07-13-2018, 12:18 PM
This community is awesome! The amount of help that people give out each and every day to people is sooo much more than any other game I have played (and im old).

You should have at least given the community an opportunity to help.


07-13-2018, 07:15 PM
What's the ur-cow curse? Is that the cow curse?