View Full Version : Name Change

07-07-2018, 06:30 PM
The way I propose this is to have a 30 day cooldown on name changes, and to show the players last used name in their profile. You could even have an option to show a list of every name they've used.

Every time a name is changed the previous one is also on cooldown for perhaps 90 days? So someone else can't change to it besides the player who had it previously until that limit runs out; that way they have 2 chances to change back to it before it's available.

The reason why I think name changes are a good idea is because it allows you to RP. I like being able to have different names for different skillsets, animal inspired names for the animal forms, etc.

Another bonus is you can get money from it by having it in the premium shop, not sure if this is already planned.

The only negatives I can think of are solved by my suggestions above, such as scamming and not knowing who they are when they change their name.

07-08-2018, 01:00 AM
Also, you can scam or flame people, change your name and have a blank slate.
Do this long enough, so you have the name with your worst deeds fallen off the cliff.

07-08-2018, 03:48 AM
Also, you can scam or flame people, change your name and have a blank slate.
Do this long enough, so you have the name with your worst deeds fallen off the cliff.

Click their profile, see an option called, 'Past Names' or whatever you want to call it, with a list of every single name. Once a month, 12 a year max. That list is not going to get long. We have books in game, it would always be short in comparison.

Also, instead of recycling names, they could always be tied permanently to the player that chose it, so no one else could ever possibly impersonate them if they decide to not go back to the name in 3 months. The problem with that is names could eventually become scarce unless they did a purge of unused names every 12 months like other games do.

07-08-2018, 05:05 AM
Not a fan of this. A name isn't something you change like underwear, and you can always start a new character if you want to use it for RP.

07-08-2018, 05:42 AM
I can see why the reason some people would want to change the name, i mean you go ahead and lets say create 4 characters with intention of making a brute fighter or a mage, but then you start playing the game and realize how time consuming is to raise some skills and you end up playing only 1 character because of it.

07-09-2018, 01:23 PM
I do like the idea of past names being recorded somewhere.

On some other games, I've written scripts to record names and userIDs I interact with, so I know who JaneDoe is when she shows up as BeckyBear.

If someone is getting negative reports about their behavior, I doubt the devs would approve a name change. It's just unlikely that a year later someone would start grifting anew.

07-09-2018, 02:55 PM
Not a fan of name changes to be honest.

Though as mentioned a way to tell who has been who goes a long way to removing my main concern.

I do feel though that those who got a little carried away at character creation should be allowed to rename though as opposed to carry some nonsense name.

07-10-2018, 06:17 AM
I still say it would be nice if mods would force name changes on those with gross and immature names referencing genitalia, bodily fluids and garbage like that

Change their name to a number and give them several days to pick another, leaving the old name in the database so it can't be picked again

I know its an adult game, but its a game with adults playing and as one of those I can say I generally don't respond to questions from people who chose a name just to be repulsive or childish

I feel like this would set P:G apart from other games that only see their customer base as a money farm

I rarely /ignore anybody and wouldn't do it just because of a stupid name, but I'd gladly stand behind a slightly less open naming convention

As far as freely changing names at will, the dangers with that are already stated above, but I agree that a history of previous names being visible would help, and limiting how often it could happen and charging money for it would limit abuse effectively enough

Along side the name history, I think it would be cool to have a general rating system for players altogether, with various categories that reflect how well someone is fitting in with the community... but that's clearly something that wouldn't be implemented any time soon

07-10-2018, 09:49 PM
The way I propose this is to have a 30 day cooldown on name changes, and to show the players last used name in their profile. You could even have an option to show a list of every name they've used.

Every time a name is changed the previous one is also on cooldown for perhaps 90 days? So someone else can't change to it besides the player who had it previously until that limit runs out; that way they have 2 chances to change back to it before it's available.

The reason why I think name changes are a good idea is because it allows you to RP. I like being able to have different names for different skillsets, animal inspired names for the animal forms, etc.

Another bonus is you can get money from it by having it in the premium shop, not sure if this is already planned.

The only negatives I can think of are solved by my suggestions above, such as scamming and not knowing who they are when they change their name.

Totally agree make it cost money more income for the game maybe make be a yearly cooldown thing and the cost about $10-$20 the first time and every time you do it after add $20 more dollars to it alot of people would pay for it

07-11-2018, 04:26 AM
I still say it would be nice if mods would force name changes on those with gross and immature names referencing genitalia, bodily fluids and garbage like that

Change their name to a number and give them several days to pick another, leaving the old name in the database so it can't be picked again

How about no? The current naming conventions/forced changes are already bad enough. The less dev patrolling involved, the better.