View Full Version : Problems Of A Non-American Bard

06-30-2018, 05:56 AM

I'm not living in the States. When jams happen on "Sunday night" and people walk in with low skills and away with 50, I'm on my way to or at work. Simply "Setting the alarm" won't work for me.
So far, I made it to 13 Poetry with only books I bought from player vendors, I couldn't attend even one jam.
While this skill level is enough to qualify me for 70, I'm already scared of what may be the requirements for lvl 80 and further, and I wonder if it's not possible to do the jams one day earlier - it shouldn't make so much of a difference for US players, but it would make a world of a difference for every bard in Oceania.

Either that - or consider making books much, much more common drops.

Thanks for reading.

06-30-2018, 06:54 AM
Alternative option, trust someone with your character and give them your password, so they can log you in for this particular event. Don't forget to change your current password to something new and unique, then change it back.

I had to do just that on a few occasions (not in this game yet, though).

06-30-2018, 11:34 AM
I can't. The people I'd entrust my Steam account don't play Gorgon and have no clue, and everyone else, I'd rather not give my data.

I can't imagine that I'm the only one with this problem.

06-30-2018, 11:35 AM
I've seen several people start up their own jams. They annouce they want to do one, and usually two or 3 other people bring books. One in particular i remember, i think it was Kevin, brought 20 books.

There are probably other people with time problems. Pick a good time, announce on the forums, encourage a few others to bring books.

06-30-2018, 07:35 PM
That's nothing compared to how many people show up to the regular jams though, and definitely a pretty harsh disadvantage. No real difference tho for US players if the event is held a day earlier, still weekend.

07-01-2018, 06:36 AM
I don't think to be honest the dev expected them to be as big as they are. Oratory can pretty much be completed with 5 or so readings of the chap book.

Would much rather see the chap book not give any exp as its farmable and basically is a cause of the mass scramble to read and therefore contributes greatly to what is one of the worst online experiences I've ever encountered.

Many are stood at the sides looking at the floor to try in vain to reach a framerate that is crap.

It's more of a personal thing than a location thing .I'm European and the events work out 8pm on a Sunday evening or so, that's almost a perfect time for myself.

The toothless mods that can do nothing to stop the spammed aoes which are almost always present don't help either,not the mods faults just don't seem to have the power to identify and act.

Poetry was one of the toughest most elite skills in the game now it's frankly horrid.

I honestly think a quickly thrown together guild sorted reading for 10 or 20 players is far better than the current set up, and is quite likely what the dev imagined would happen.

The poems come thick and fast, most don't bother to write anything of note and those that do most don't have the time to read as there coming so fast anyways.

08-05-2018, 12:13 PM
The "Better-Than-Nothing Poetry Jam" happens every Saturday at 12 pm (noon) US cst. We had 97 players attend yesterday, and many, many books read. It might be a better day and time for your needs. Take care. :)

08-05-2018, 09:17 PM
Maztur's Saturday Jam actually had more players, more sychronized dancers and much less AOE spammers than any of the official Sunday events I've recently attended

There were many 300+ XP books read and I had more buffs after that one than any other, even an hour of flying

Kudos to all involved and to Maztur especially for getting it going