06-26-2018, 07:23 AM
Personally, I enjoy pitching in every now and again to help a new player that really wants to unlock Necromancy or that got a little ambitious and needs help removing a curse, and I've been helped out by other players at various times as well
I think that's part of being in a great community, but I wonder if part of building a great community is not helping as much
As long as I have been playing games online, I've been a care-bear, but over the last couple of years I've either grown jaded or have noticed a trend in player behavior: "Game Hoppers" that join up and immediately start begging for gold and power-leveling
Not to say that's a problem in P:G at all... but I'm wondering how the community feels in a general sense about over-helping new players... Where is the line between helping someone with a problem and helping them understand how to solve or avoid their own problems?
While many have noted that the game doesn't hold the hands of new players, there has been obvious care taken to introduce newcomers to game features and skills as they become necessary or relevant... Though there are a few things that you might never know if someone didn't tell you or you found it on the wiki, the game does a generally great job of leaving little hints all along the way as to how things work and what you need to know
So, is it doing new players a disservice to answer every little question or run out to help them fight through a problem or give them things they need but are having a hard time finding?
Would it be better to let them learn to figure out things on their own, or is the reason P:G is known to have a great community because we do help?
Could we have a great community based in everyone figuring things out for themselves?
(That's not to say live with your curse, but ask among other low levels in the dungeon, or instead of us telling you how to get back to anagoge, direct you to the currently non-existent wiki page for that, etc ...)
I think that's part of being in a great community, but I wonder if part of building a great community is not helping as much
As long as I have been playing games online, I've been a care-bear, but over the last couple of years I've either grown jaded or have noticed a trend in player behavior: "Game Hoppers" that join up and immediately start begging for gold and power-leveling
Not to say that's a problem in P:G at all... but I'm wondering how the community feels in a general sense about over-helping new players... Where is the line between helping someone with a problem and helping them understand how to solve or avoid their own problems?
While many have noted that the game doesn't hold the hands of new players, there has been obvious care taken to introduce newcomers to game features and skills as they become necessary or relevant... Though there are a few things that you might never know if someone didn't tell you or you found it on the wiki, the game does a generally great job of leaving little hints all along the way as to how things work and what you need to know
So, is it doing new players a disservice to answer every little question or run out to help them fight through a problem or give them things they need but are having a hard time finding?
Would it be better to let them learn to figure out things on their own, or is the reason P:G is known to have a great community because we do help?
Could we have a great community based in everyone figuring things out for themselves?
(That's not to say live with your curse, but ask among other low levels in the dungeon, or instead of us telling you how to get back to anagoge, direct you to the currently non-existent wiki page for that, etc ...)