View Full Version : Idea for Priest abilty

Kago Kinji
06-10-2018, 02:19 AM
I think it would be theme appropriate if priests could lift curses that come from dying to bosses but at the same time I don't think they should be rendered meaningless.

I'm suggesting get an ability something like

Amarasetsu's Cleansing Fire
Min level:70
Cast time: 10 seconds
Cooldown 8 hours
Power cost: all
Effect: The devout priest spends all their power to call on Amarasetsu to burn away a 1 curse on a player.

I feel like this wouldn't be op and would leave a few options.

If this still seems OP then put an uncursed marker on a player so they can't be uncursed this way for 24 hours. Something flavorful like Warmed by Amarasetsu.

Or have it inconvenience the caster by lowering their max power per cast for 8 hoursby say 30. Then a priest might cast it once but wouldn't spam it.

They could be weakened by channeling so much of Amarasetsu's power.

What do you think?

06-10-2018, 02:27 AM
You could make curse-lifting alts/bots this way, so unless you put some reagent in the process, it's probably a bad idea. And since there already exist a potion for this purpose...

There could be other ways to lift a curse than the Minor Panacea, Priest or not, I'm open to ideas. There is a one-time quest that does it for instance. But this particular idea is problematic imho.

06-10-2018, 02:42 AM
I was wondering before it was revealed if it would have such an ability. Need to have something in place so you can't take curses off people that want them. Wouldn't want players forcing people out of their animal form. Or imagine if someone like Monger was collecting all the curses and helpful priests all over the place keep curing him so his work was never done. Also think it should have tiers of power. Removing Big Head easy level low remove, other curses more difficult to remove based on the level of the boss that gave it. Big Head would be another curse that maybe people would want to keep for fun, and someone taking it away all of a sudden might annoy some, on the other hand people would probably like having to only ask to have someone remove it.

06-10-2018, 07:14 AM
I was trying to think of some way of tying an item from the boss either boss specific or generic that the priest could bless it but then if you are going to have a bunch of players farming bosses why not just take the affected player along to clear the curse.

The whole consent thing would be a big issue too like ShieldBreaker mentioned.

Maybe something like Civic Pride and Lamps, priests could pray/bless a shrine at some cost to them that could bestow things similar to the first aid cures and maybe curses? The higher level the priests “Faith” or “Blessing” skill could allow for higher effects to be taken away.

06-10-2018, 03:07 PM
I think I prefer Niph’s idea of a one off quest better.
Do we want an alternative to lifting curses left solely with a single combat class?

I like the thinking, I just think why are curses there.... an alternative to lift it’s good, but I don’t think it should trivialise the whole curse idea

- first aid level and 70+ with a expensive resource?
- a boss drop that’s got no vendor value, used as said resource?
- how about a new skill like first aid, the catch being, it’s a curse book. You must first get cursed. After you first successfully cure that curse, it goes in your book of curses, with your ability to cure it. So you still make st experience a curse first.

Kago Kinji
06-10-2018, 07:56 PM
I'm surprised at the concerns.Maybe I'm too new but I thought levelling to 70 was expensive-ish as was buying abilities at that level. Also it's time consuming solo. Unless your guild is taking you to highest tier dungeons to tag mobs you wouldn't hit 70 that fast surely. Also an 8 hour cooldown seems like a longish time.

I genuinely hadn't considered deer/pig/bat but then again I assumed they're treated differently to boss wipe curses. If they're not then that's a big problem.

I don't want curses made trivial. I just liked the idea of curse lifting priests. It might make more sense to tie it to a secondary skill like "Faith" the way hoplology is to Staff.

I don't know. I just thought it sounded cool.

06-11-2018, 02:43 AM
We love reading new ideas and suggestions so please don't hesitate to make posts like this! As to this particular idea, we don't have any plans to allow the unique boss curses to be lifted via an ability.