View Full Version : Two abilities would benefit from some "help"

06-03-2018, 03:02 PM
Here are two abilities which it think may need some help, they can both be put on the side bar, but I think they cause opportunity cost as there are far better things to put on the side bar.

Staff: Safe fall. This one lets you jump off mountains and take no damage, and maneuver while in the air. This skill unfortunately doesn't have that much of real use. It's helpful while fishing because you can turn jump in the air. Given that priest now has a mod with "free form" movement, this also negates some of this skills usefulness.

This is a shame because I like the idea of it, but it's hard to justify having it to hand, or even to fish it out for special occasions. If I want to jump off a mountain, I can use bird form, since I have this, or I can jump off the mountain anyway in many cases (but results may vary).

Druid: Trackless Steps - This is another one that's hard to keep on the sidebar I feel. The starting skill decreases detection range of mobs by 5m. If you have psychology or one of the other "mezes" you probably have this usage covered - although by different effects. I think the use cases are somewhat similar. This ability seems to go up to a maximum of 10m reduction. Now, if it were to go a lot further, say 20m then it would be more useful. People would use it to sneak past bosses like timothy in the wolf cave to get the prize, but then again you can do that with a mesmerise anyway. (or even with no skill at all)

06-04-2018, 08:30 AM
Here are two abilities which it think may need some help, they can both be put on the side bar, but I think they cause opportunity cost as there are far better things to put on the side bar.

Staff: Safe fall. This one lets you jump off mountains and take no damage, and maneuver while in the air. This skill unfortunately doesn't have that much of real use. It's helpful while fishing because you can turn jump in the air. Given that priest now has a mod with "free form" movement, this also negates some of this skills usefulness.

This is a shame because I like the idea of it, but it's hard to justify having it to hand, or even to fish it out for special occasions. If I want to jump off a mountain, I can use bird form, since I have this, or I can jump off the mountain anyway in many cases (but results may vary).

Druid: Trackless Steps - This is another one that's hard to keep on the sidebar I feel. The starting skill decreases detection range of mobs by 5m. If you have psychology or one of the other "mezes" you probably have this usage covered - although by different effects. I think the use cases are somewhat similar. This ability seems to go up to a maximum of 10m reduction. Now, if it were to go a lot further, say 20m then it would be more useful. People would use it to sneak past bosses like timothy in the wolf cave to get the prize, but then again you can do that with a mesmerise anyway.

I can't speak to Safe Fall, but I agree with Trackless Steps. I think the issue centers around Druids having too many things on their side bar already - some bird form and Hunter's Stride at a minimum, leaving 3 slots for their other class and miscellaneous abilities (assuming the obligatory 'Dig Deep').

Would much rather have Trackless Steps as a gear mod, to be honest.

06-04-2018, 01:59 PM
some bird form

I have a separate load out for flying, since you never can really use the bird button in combat. The load out has all the bird buttons and mentalism buttons on it. plus the druid light so people can see me when I am reversing in the snow.

06-05-2018, 07:11 AM
I have a separate load out for flying, since you never can really use the bird button in combat. The load out has all the bird buttons and mentalism buttons on it. plus the druid light so people can see me when I am reversing in the snow.

Perhaps that's the root of it there: 'you never can really use the bird button in combat'.

Is the issue that the side bar is cluttered with too many 'combat' buttons?

Trackless steps, safe fall, bird form, hunter's stride... there are a lot of non-combat abilities that end up getting bumped for more urgently useful First Aid, Armor Repair, Dig Deep, etc.

Personally, I'd like to see some kind of short 'bandolier' bar added (for First Aid, Armor Repair, Potions, Food, etc.), distinct form the current side bar

06-05-2018, 10:19 AM
Citan has said that more side bar slots would make us all too Uber, and I am sure he is right. My issue, or rather, point is only that those two skills could be more practical so that they are not passed over by everyone. (I am assuming that is so). I can't think how to fix safe fall exactly though unless enemy bosses start throwing people high up in the air. Failing that, we need many more high cliffs from which to jump. To be fair, maybe safe fall would be better as a mod.