View Full Version : Real tank eventually?

06-03-2018, 10:15 AM
Now when we have a real healer "Priest" will we get a real tank Skill eventually or making skills like sword and shield stronger for tanks?

The latest patch was awesome btw :cool:

06-03-2018, 10:21 AM
Well Moooo!

Real tanks are in game!

And what's real anyway!?


06-03-2018, 10:32 AM
I just wondered if we could get something like the priest but for tanking instead, like a weapon focused on tanking or something :)

06-03-2018, 11:19 PM
Have you ever tried juggling with Unarmed? Or use Cow?

Those can be very tanky.

06-04-2018, 06:03 AM
Have you ever tried juggling with Unarmed? Or use Cow?

Those can be very tanky.

If i wanted to build a really tanky monk with unarmed what secondary skill would you recommend then :cool: ?

06-04-2018, 06:56 AM
Ready to tank.

Unarmed and psychology both work great with cow. Unarmed/cow for dps and psychology/cow for tanking. Your monk would be a cow, yes. But check out those moves! Cows are also good dancers and cheesemakers.


06-04-2018, 08:36 AM
I can think of little that would destroy PG faster than to introduce 'real tank' and 'real healer' skills.

Everything else would then be 'just DPS', and far from created equally...

06-04-2018, 08:42 AM
I can think of little that would destroy PG faster than to introduce 'real tank' and 'real healer' skills.

Everything else would then be 'just DPS', and far from created equally...

So much this. Everyone pays the "hybrid tax" at the moment, but we don't feel it because EVERYONE pays it. Introduce "true X" skills and suddenly everyone else isn't good enough.

(that said, dps need a nerf as usual)

06-04-2018, 10:26 AM
Karamasha Well, Greyfyn gave my answer. Psych has some really good taunts, and can switch out to other support skills.

If you're higher level, Mentalism might work. I have only played Unarmed/Psych/Animal/Sword/Fire so ^-^

(Edit: Don't type while sleepy.)

06-04-2018, 01:00 PM
My main is staff/unarmed/shield specifically because I wanted a tank that felt like a monk... Is that not a thing? I swear I remember reading that staff was a great tank weapon....

06-04-2018, 03:36 PM
If there is viable tank builds already then i apologize for saying that this game didn't have any real tanks.
I may try out cow and probably unarmed/psychology also

06-04-2018, 03:58 PM
The only real things stopping tanking builds from being a thing right now are:
1.Taunt abilities being lackluster for the job of actually keeping aggro,and
2.The utility of a tank that can kinda tank at best(currently) v. content that has you benefit from bringing as much dps as possible.
You can build for all kinds of damage mitigation but chances are you'll be the last person to die and not the first is all.

We're talking not only surviving damage but attracting attention and I just think the latter job is the problem.

06-04-2018, 07:35 PM
...And we'll need to do something about completely unblockable random boss-throws-you-or-stuns-you effects. x-x

06-05-2018, 01:16 AM
...And we'll need to do something about completely unblockable random boss-throws-you-or-stuns-you effects. x-x

Fortunately, Priest can help with that now. :)

06-06-2018, 12:57 PM
My main is staff/unarmed/shield specifically because I wanted a tank that felt like a monk... Is that not a thing? I swear I remember reading that staff was a great tank weapon....

Go look at the mods for staff on gorgon explorer, and then type in something like this for unarmed : ji3jabd1

Here's one of the mods for the chest for unarmed: While using Unarmed skill, 22% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch or Jab. Here's another for the hands: While using Unarmed skill, 22% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick.

And then you can do crap like this: Headbutt deals +26% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 20% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 200 damage is mitigated). And that will combo with this: Unarmed attacks have a 23% chance to conjure a magical field that mitigates 10% of all physical damage you take for 1 minute (or until 100 damage is mitigated).

More or less the amount of mitigation you can stack with unarmed is unreal. You can tank with staff using just the base skills however (can't really do that with unarmed so much unless fighting one target not immune to stuns).

06-08-2018, 11:06 AM
Come watch Veal in GK on his unarmed cow, hes a bit ridiculous now, as a priest I pray for adds to aggro other people because I'm bored if not.