05-09-2018, 09:33 AM
Fairly new here, been playing a few weeks now. I started with the Unarmed/Mentalism and was not enjoying it as much as I would have liked. I was a little low for the quest but my guild greatly helped me unlock Ice Magic and now I'm working on that. A little background for you guys.
Currently 33 staff 30 Ice Magic. I've been using a lot of AoE spells to kill things in Serbule Crypt and stacking as much survivability as I can, to the point that I wear some Armor just for raw armor and combat refresh with a few peices that directly boost ice aoe. I kill things rather slowly but can easily tank 2 or 3 mobs in the back of Crypt such as Ice elementals or deer. From other people's experience is it smoother and faster to level with more of a single target focused built using things like cryogenic and frostbite or is ice AoE the way to go all the way to 70?
Fairly new here, been playing a few weeks now. I started with the Unarmed/Mentalism and was not enjoying it as much as I would have liked. I was a little low for the quest but my guild greatly helped me unlock Ice Magic and now I'm working on that. A little background for you guys.
Currently 33 staff 30 Ice Magic. I've been using a lot of AoE spells to kill things in Serbule Crypt and stacking as much survivability as I can, to the point that I wear some Armor just for raw armor and combat refresh with a few peices that directly boost ice aoe. I kill things rather slowly but can easily tank 2 or 3 mobs in the back of Crypt such as Ice elementals or deer. From other people's experience is it smoother and faster to level with more of a single target focused built using things like cryogenic and frostbite or is ice AoE the way to go all the way to 70?