View Full Version : Where do i learn deer combos like hoofstorm?

05-07-2018, 04:20 AM
The wiki list a few deer combos, including hoofstorm, antlersprings, and a few others in this link


When I use deer bash it brings up a small window in the picture below that says Hoofstorm, the wiki says do deer bash, any melee, any melee, deer kick. But I've tried using all of my moves after using deer bash and the second box just remains a question mark. I was thinking that I may have to learn the combo from a trainer, just like how the meditation altars teach unarmed combos


05-07-2018, 05:17 AM
The box will remain a question mark, but it should change to indicate it has been completed, no longer greyed out. Don't break the combo by using any Animal Handling skills. It has to be those 4 items in a row. You have the combo available the fact that it gives you that indicator proves that, you don't need to learn anything.