View Full Version : Making The Game Look And Run Right

05-05-2018, 08:48 PM
could use auto if your system specs are better.

05-05-2018, 10:09 PM
I think this is developer feedback. Most players are never going to come here to check out "optimal" settings; perhaps the devs might look at things most players do - like set a key binding for next available noncombatant - and simply make this a default setting.

"Set next non combatant" was something I felt should just be set as a default key and explained in the tutorial.

05-05-2018, 10:10 PM
As for graphical settings; again; perhaps have the default set as optimal instead of players having to hunt this info down?

05-06-2018, 01:46 AM
ive fiddled alot with it its not real stright forward.

05-09-2018, 09:43 AM
I may have already mentioned this on the forums, but I also find that using WASD to navigate instead of "mouse-look" makes a huge difference in getting around in Serbule

I'm pretty used to this, so it was an easy switch, but if you have tried these setting suggestions and still feel disjointedly spinny in Serb, try WASD

05-09-2018, 12:43 PM
Hard to play without trees, just doesn't look right. Other stuff seemed to make a decent boost though.

05-09-2018, 05:34 PM
theres a bit of personal preferance involved but setting -2 gives you a clean slate to work with in advanced to fine tune to your liking.