View Full Version : Request: Right-click Stop Following Quest

04-30-2018, 11:22 AM
Another 'as the title' implies suggestion for QoL.

It would be nice if we could right click and select a 'stop following' option on quests in the main GUI to stop following quests. As far as I could tell, it looks like when you reach the current cap of N quests tracked (5?) you have to hunt through the dozens of quests in your journal to stop tracking them if you want to start tracking another.

Note, 'stop following' does not imply 'drop' or 'delete'. I would just want to stop using one of the 5ish spots available at a time for tracking progress on a quest.

01-21-2019, 10:14 PM
I second this. An small icon beside a tracked quest in the quest menu list would be helpful, too. An option to toggle whether updated quests are automatically tracked would also be helpful. I hate having to turn off the track whenever I pick up a gem because I have the "hold 100 gems in your inventory" quest.