View Full Version : Teleport: Mushroom Circle questions

04-29-2018, 03:17 PM
So to start off I know Im not even suitable to be in frostblood cavern as Im only level 49 bc. I can take out the birds but nothing else. I was there farming mushrooms. But I wanted to try and buy the tele recipes. My problem is a) do I have to do the quest from the dwarf to even find this guy? b) where is hades is he? I feel like I am missing a spot there. I have died about 25 or more times mapping the zone and I cant see to find his spot, unless I'm just dying with too many mobs around and not having the time to actually talk to him. Im just looking for a little guidance on the location or if its a completely moot point when I cant even kill the mobs.

p.s. I hate poison slugs.

04-29-2018, 05:12 PM
The slugs are brutal. I doubt you need the quest from Hemmet to talk to Sem, but not really sure.

As i recall from the entrance i had to go left/west and then hook around back south to find him. I know i could get to him without fighting the boss slug.

I doubt you could get to him without fighting. I had to kill things one at a time and i died multiple times trying to get to him. Attempting to run past won't work, there will be mobs that follow you all the way to Sem.

04-30-2018, 10:24 AM
I just spent an evening in the cave figuring out where he is and doing quests for faction. Im 70/70 with good gear and I was packing a lot of poison resist potions, and have poison resist buff on my gear. This makes slugs bearable, but shrooms will still do a lot of ranged damage and Murkslinger can tear you up fast. 49 bc is going to not be able to do it on your own.
-Sem is all the way back, no easy way to get to him.
-You need favor with him, so just finding won't help unless you bring a bunch of heartshrooms with you. I did his quests, but they are killing snails, slimes, and the dreaded Murkslinger. Obviously not something you'll be doing solo. I died a dozen times figuring out the caves and getting ambushed by birds while fighting something.
-You can get the tp spells from Sem without talking to the dwarf first. He's in new Prestibule Cave along with a lot of other NPC's and easy to get to.

04-30-2018, 01:37 PM
need to be able to speak to mushroom people to speak to sem i aquired mushroom bind the other day and i even submited an update to the wiki that seems to not been posted yet. enhanced cranium powder is the suggested favor item if you plan to get all his skills you will need about 50 dont forget to complete his talk dialog and take his quests.

04-30-2018, 02:38 PM
I was carrying a ton of blue gems to gain favor. I didnt think there would any easy way to do it :/. And easy being 1 out of 100 failed attempts i might possibly come a percentage closer to getting them. :) but thank you all. Ill attempt when i get a bit higher level and a bit more prepared. I like to try the unobtainable.

05-01-2018, 01:17 PM
For the favor, as long as you carry enough gifts to get him to teach you the mushroom circle bind recipe (friends I think?), you can bring three parasol mushrooms and then bind to the mushroom circle right next to Sem. This will make it easy for you to to come back if you didn't have quite enough gifts to get all his recipes.

As far as getting to Sem in the first place, yeah, ow. As a data point, I tried it on my cow/druid alt in the high 50s while knowing exactly where I was going. I couldn't fight my way in since I couldn't handle more than one mob at a time - that regen really hurts if you don't have a lot of dps. So I ended up doing several suicide runs until I eventually escaped the mushroom bombardment and ended up in Sem's place. I think I had to kill one mob that had followed me all the way in. So, it's kind of maybe possible to get in if you can't kill anything in the cave but also incredibly frustrating and luck-dependent. If you want the teleport now, I'd really recommend asking someone else for help. ( I'd be happy to do it on my main since I love the caves. I just have somewhat random playtimes, so send me a message on the forum if you'd like to try to meet up. I should be on Thursday/Friday night. )

05-04-2018, 04:50 PM
Thank you very much. I havent been on very much due to RL, but i should have more time in the next few days so ill leave a message with you to see if your available. I just have to collect a few more blue gems and mushrooms i beleive it was to get the right amount of favor.