View Full Version : Animals, Music, and Gardening

04-05-2018, 02:31 PM
I have played PG on and off since December 2016, and one of my favorite things to do in game is garden. But I am a Lycan/Bat and therefore can not play music for my plants that I am growing. I have grabbed all my things for gardening out of storage many times and gone to different gardens hoping I could find bipeds playing music... but most generally no luck. I have even gone as far as paying people to come play music while they go AFK for a bit. I have had to beg in chat for musicians to come to me also. What I would honestly love to see is the ability for beast forms to play some kind of music for gardening, or if even you could (for example) make it to where a Lycan howl would be considered music. I want to be a FT beast in game, yes thats my choice. But serious just something to think about... Let me play that sweet music for my plants to make gardening even that much more enjoyable.

SassySusie the Pink Wolf

04-05-2018, 02:32 PM
Here here, animals need their tunes!

Of course, tunes also need to be less interruptible by other people wandering by with curses...

04-05-2018, 05:46 PM
Is easily fixed all Wolves and Spiders should be able to play the Harmonica.

The Farmyard crowd and there Deer friends can Hoof Clap or something.

Too be honest I Can't really properly garden and play anyways at the same time, Too much in ground normally.

Could create a 3 hr hang out with Sie Antry that players can chose to leave there characters playing music for a few pennies. Then a bard like npc plays for said amount of hours.

Could use 20 storage slots on the fairy so we can keep extra flowers grown there. Do others struggle with storage there also what with dirts,bottles,seeds, flower arranging stuff etc?

04-05-2018, 08:43 PM
With the huge storage Sie Antry gives I do not struggle with storage for everything. I just don't grow extra flowers unless I am turning them into arrangements. As for Seeds well all my extra seeds are in Sunvale, when my stack is gone in Elt I just go get another.

04-09-2018, 12:20 PM
PG has needed more 'cowbell' for some time now...
even if only to make noise when animals dance.


04-09-2018, 12:26 PM
snowe This is why I miss the thumbs-up feature from the old forums! o-o