View Full Version : Just few thoughts about UI

04-05-2018, 12:32 AM
Been playing now for a bit over a week. Time for bit feedback, about UI right now.

Main problem is UI scaling, especially the lack of it. I am playing on 1680x1050 resolution and the UI and all the windows and text in it is just too big. Yes, I found location where I can change the font sizes. But wouldn't it be better to just adjust the sizes of UI elements automatically based on the resolution someone uses. Right now it is bad on 1680x1050. The UI element, where you see your buttons/info about health etc gets always infront of the textbox.

Few more things which I think could be improved, these aren't gamebreaking things, but it simply reduces the amount of clicks in game.

* Crafting window could use the skill progress bar. Right now I have to have two windows open: crafting window for crafting and skill window to check progress in skill.
* on levelup it shows the info on your screen, that you got +1 in level. That is cool, but what would be great, is when you see the levelup message, you also see what bonuses you got with that level. +1 power, +2 health etc. Well, those power and health bonuses are visible indirectly, but there are bonuses, which you can't see without constantly checking your skill window. And you don't see the bonuses you already got iirc. So you can't know what that particular levelup gave you unless you Google/keep notes.
* Skill window. The left part, where is the skill list. Would be great, if in the list you also see your current skill level. Can keep list open and observe the levels in several skills without the need to open that particular skill in the window.

04-05-2018, 01:59 AM
There are many screen resolutions out there and we thought that it would be beneficial for players right out of the gate to experience the vast array of flexibility that Project: Gorgon has to offer. I've seen some great layouts outside of my I consider the standard layout, and that's exactly what Project: Gorgon is all about! We'll give you the tools, but it's your adventure... you start out of gate with your UI exactly how you like it.

04-05-2018, 02:16 AM
Thanks for answer.. but .. I am looking for an adventure in game, not an adventure to configure the game(I am not probably alone there). ;)
Completely different things. I don't ask to make everything static. I just think that it should look nice out of the box on ALL resolutions, not just one, which the devs consider native resolution.

04-05-2018, 07:59 AM
I'm also pretty new, and still working out how I want my own PG UI to look. There are multiple settings for the UI in the Settings panel. Including Scale. Plus, you can move things around. Either your native resolution causes items to overhang each other no matter what you do, or you haven't found a good final setting yet.

Beware however, there seems to be no way to "lock" the UI, once your done tweaking. <sigh>

04-05-2018, 10:27 AM
Main problem is UI scaling, especially the lack of it. I am playing on 1680x1050 resolution and the UI and all the windows and text in it is just too big. Yes, I found location where I can change the font sizes. But wouldn't it be better to just adjust the sizes of UI elements automatically based on the resolution someone uses. Right now it is bad on 1680x1050. The UI element, where you see your buttons/info about health etc gets always infront of the textbox.

Sorry if you've already done this but have you tried adjusting the sliding scale for overall UI size? It's at the very beginning of the UI settings, and I can accomplish most of what I want with only this one slider.

I can't speak for 1680x1050, but the game looks fine out of the box to me at 1900x1200 and a couple other 1024/1200 x something settings I've tried.

Picking default UI sizes is rough - no single setting is going to make everyone happy, and I think erring on the side of big is better for the default since initial small icons/text are going to make it really rough for people with vision problems to find the settings they need to make the text big enough to read easily.

04-05-2018, 10:45 AM
It was partly my bad. :) I played with the UI settings, but I missed that top slider that overall UI Size. Messed around with it now and got it to more or less good state, where it looks pretty good. Thanks for that tip.

04-05-2018, 11:12 AM
It was partly my bad. :) I played with the UI settings, but I missed that top slider that overall UI Size. Messed around with it now and got it to more or less good state, where it looks pretty good. Thanks for that tip.

I like seeing how other folks setup their UI. I'd love to see a screenshot if you feel inclined to post one.

04-05-2018, 12:36 PM
I like seeing how other folks setup their UI. I'd love to see a screenshot if you feel inclined to post one.

Looks like this.

04-05-2018, 02:45 PM
Time to shine


04-05-2018, 03:20 PM
We need a "show off your GUI" thread