View Full Version : Just wondering about the RP side of things

04-03-2018, 05:31 PM
Hello, I am Ren and relatively new to PG, been playing for a few weeks, over 40 hours in. I can say this does remind me a lot of the early MMORPGs like EQ and AC, and I love that. I love that you are not pressed into a class or even a trade skill. I like the idea of having relationship levels with NPCs that unlock things, this is fun and it is fun to change the favor.

So here is a few things I was wondering about, and I have to warn you these are RP things. At my core I am a role player and the reason I stay with an MMO is the RPG part of it and the rp community there. So these requests are just a few things I was wondering might be put into play in the game.

Will there be some mechanic for players who choose to have characters get married. Perhaps a shared name, or even a bonus when grouped together. I have seen other MMORPGs put some mechanics in place for that. This could even be nice to extend this to a family sort of unit, like a friend who playes and you make siblings who quest together. Just wondering if this could be a thing?

What is the plan for player housing, or even guild halls? Could guild halls be places that have merchants to sell in guild or even make public places in the guild hall to sell from a guild merchant?

Could we have some way to make player made titles, perhaps used in guild, IE the guild leaders could give out titles?

Just wondering if there will be any other Role Playing mechanics added to the game?

04-03-2018, 07:53 PM
Some answers found here:

There will be housing.

Housing will be pretty basic at first, but after the game has launched we'll make it nicer and more elaborate in the bimonthly updates. Most housing will be instanced, meaning that when you enter the door to your house you're transported into a private little house interior that's exclusively for you.

(If you're wondering how we can have instanced housing but not instanced dungeons, this is a special case. The server can handle instances where no combat is allowed. So you won't be able to fight monsters inside your house! But you'll be able to craft and shop and have visitors and much more.)

Guild halls will have a shared-world public area (where guilds can set up vendors, for instance), as well as a private backroom area for guild members only.

Be sure to use the ingame suggestion form under the ! on the right side menu for your ideas, like marriage and titles. Titles are probably tricky because currently, I think, it is manually added to the Game Database by the Devs. But that maybe could change.

04-04-2018, 07:48 AM
If you are in a guild, ranks are assigned and people can see those ranks in their guild tab. Guild halls are planned. Currently guilds earn points that let you purchase things, that might become a merchant vs a sign, who knows. Citan has said that the current marketplace is a WIP and will go through changes. Housing will be a thing.

Some things I'd like to see, but know are unworkable: Housing like in UO with merchants in your house, uninstanced. Cool idea, until it ruins the world with houses covering every square inch. :)

04-04-2018, 11:16 AM
Cool idea, until it ruins the world with houses covering every square inch. :)
They had the idea of houses often sharing the same door. So a stack of apartments in Serbule would all be one door in the Inn or whatnot. It's not like we couldn't use more buildings or more doors in the unused buildings we have.

I sorta liked in WoW how the cities had tons of locked doors. It made it feel more lived in.

04-04-2018, 11:27 AM
Eq2 used that as well. 20-30 people all used the same door. You started with a hovel and worked up to much larger houses.

Ultima Online you just bought a house, or a castle, and plopped it down in the wildernes in an open area. By the time I started there was no open space in the entire world. Even Ice in the artic had houses on them. The map had old castles on it that no one even knew who they belonged to. Old players who could plop one down early on. My guild of 100 people had a 1 room shack as our guildhouse. It was truly horrible.

Instanced housing would be nice for PG. And could be put in some interesting places. Off the top of my head:

-An additional building in the outpost in Kur and attatched to the barn in the middle of the zone.
-One of the buildings in New Prestibule. Ghosts would keep away salesmen. :)
-A shack or two in one of the empty areas of Gazluk.
-A ring of tents in a corner of Ilmari.
-Farmhouse in Serb Hills
-Another 'Model Home' in Eltibule.
-A door in the Treehouse in Sunvale.

04-04-2018, 05:21 PM
There should be poor neighborhoods that are less convenient and outside of town and rich neighborhoods in the middle of towns.

04-04-2018, 07:57 PM
Housing in Final Fantasy right now is based upon bidding, so the more desired pieces inside town are more expensive. A friend of mine dropped some n of millions in credits upgrading the guild hall recently o-o