View Full Version : Words of power are overpowered

03-29-2018, 09:03 AM
Specifically these ones

Word of Power: Experience Boost ... Speaking this word of power causes the speaker to earn +60% Combat XP for 30 minutes.
Word of Power: Diamond Skin ... Take no damage from slashing, piercing, and crushing attacks for 15 minutes.
Word of Power: Archery Master ... For the next 15 minutes, arrows do +50% damage.

In an hour I can farm enough stuff to keep the exp buff up for the entire day, while ALSO getting +100 inventory spots and 1000 max power, among other things. Getting word of power was one of the first thigns I set out to do after I read the wiki page, but I thought there would be a lot more random crappy words. Once I farmed up a bit of mats and such and started crafting the first few words things just exploded, started levelling over twice as fast(thanks to +60% exp +20 hp regen/sec etc) and making 3x as much money. This was me stumbling into it as a newbie that started on steam release

I'd suggest outright nerfing the exp boost word to 35%(and making the current 35% one 20% or something) and maybe making it harder to craft them or adding a few more less useful things to the pool you can get.

03-30-2018, 04:05 PM
Do you know how many words of power you'd have to go through to get these?

03-30-2018, 04:56 PM
Do you know how many words of power you'd have to go through to get these?

I've crafted 100 words of power 5, it seems to be even split with the +loot one being 3x as rare. Small sample size but it makes sense for the loot one to be rarer

Camel essense
Rakasha Illusion
Super Jump
+400% taunt
+60% Combat Exp
+20 HP regen a second
+1000 max power
+100 invetory spots
+15% chance at finding epics

So about 4 are 'mostly for fun' 4 are good and 1 is super convenience. My issue is that the +60% combat exp for 30 mins is not on par with anything else in the game, it only took me a few hours of investment a few days into gameplay to start making them and now I keep stocked up just by checking sell used tabs, occasionaly posted work orders. A very small investment to get to have +60% exp for basically the entire time I play, if that was the only effect and it had 6 other words that did nothing then it would still be worth doing.

The bonus damage with archery is from WOP3, overall that word has less amazing effects but is pretty easy to get and also includes a word for +5000 sword exp. Diamond skin is 2 minutes, wiki sais 15 so seems it has already been nerfed

03-31-2018, 04:41 PM
But you can't store them for later. They're the same pool other players have access to. Once a player uses it, the resources used to find it for others were wasted.

If you want to spend your time trying to get that word of power, sure, but I've never even had it come up. But I've only made dozens - not thousands.

I think you're underestimating your time investment, that's all ^-^


03-31-2018, 04:51 PM
But you can't store them for later. They're the same pool other players have access to. Once a player uses it, the resources used to find it for others were wasted.

If you want to spend your time trying to get that word of power, sure, but I've never even had it come up. But I've only made dozens - not thousands.

I think you're underestimating your time investment, that's all ^-^


They're crafted instantly and take 3 items, 2 of which stack to 99 and the other to 10. So you only craft them until you hit what you need for the moment. Also from my experience they last days, there isn't one word for +exp at a time - There's a lot. You can save 5 words of exp for 3 days and there's a chance someone else discovers one of them and snatches it.

I have also found fly to be more than a for fun skill now, it is truly amazing. I think I am probably the one getting the most out of them/using them the most(im supplying guildies with +exp and others) but trust me it is easy. All of the ingredients frequently pop up in vendors sell used or are just super easy to get. The ingredient I struggle with the most is... bottle of milk.

03-31-2018, 05:25 PM
I know, I save the ingredients, too.