View Full Version : Some suggestions to help project gorgon really succeed.

03-23-2018, 12:13 PM
Let me first start off saying that I love this game in its core. It has a great community, great exploration, and overall it is fun and refreshing.

I really think that one big part is missing though and it is still in early development so this is understandable. I just want to throw some things out there to keep in mind that will help the game. There is a lot to do in project gorgon, explore, become powerful, increase skills etc. It is missing the art of accomplishments. The reason to grind a boss or mob over and over, the reason to fully explore some land. I really believe adding in other loot then gear to bosses, and other features are better to do early on. It will keep people grinding and playing for longer.

Here are some of my suggestions;
.An achievement system; a reason to complete things and do things over.
Ex. Fully explore serbule 10 achievement points - unlocked the recipe for green fluorescent dye
Ex 2. Kill every boss in the crypt - unlock avatar icon

.Titles for slaying mobs
Ex. Any mob or boss can be killed 100x for a unique title..maybe mobs 200-500 and bosses 100

.Pet and mount drops from bosses or even trash mobs
I know there would be an issue with animal handling though but maybe one can be cosmetic and smaller

.Full customization
Unique avatars can be unlocked, name color, dyes, hair styles etc

.Player owned housing items
This is definitely one of the last things as creating this would take time and energy better used elsewhere but if this is implimented, bosses can drop house banners, tables, furniture, etc

.Generally unique boss loot
It always feels nice killing a boss and getting unique things other then gear

.Cosmetics that can override gear

This is all written with understanding that we are in early stage, but some of these ideas add enormous depth to the game. I guess you can call them empty content updates but they will add a whole lot more to do and a reason to grind.
Thank you and keep up the good work!

Another quick comment is to never add an auction house or grand exchange or however you call it. Finding loot hard to obtain makes the game better. When you can simply grind cash and buy whatever you want easily its no fun. As much as other players may complain about this never being added, I assure it will be better in the end. Also, make some loot untradable! Thats what makes it fun to find it yourself!

Edit; If i can change the title i would, i dont want to down the success that project gorgon has already had.

03-23-2018, 12:30 PM
Have you checked out the Notoriety & Dye Making skills?

They don't address all your points, but give an indicator of what has been /could be achieved by the devs.

Regarding housing, customisation, mounts - these are in the development plans. If you haven't already done so, you might want to read some of Citan's recent comments on these?

03-23-2018, 12:39 PM
Have you checked out the Notoriety & Dye Making skills?

They don't address all your points, but give an indicator of what has been /could be achieved by the devs.

Regarding housing, customization, mounts - these are in the development plans. You might want to read some of Citan's recent comments on these?

I will definitely will check out the notoriety and dye tabs now. Where can I find Citans comments. I did see a future update page and I see a few zones planned and houses eventually coming which is why I mentioned house items from bosses rather then the full concept. I honestly figured alot of these could already be something they planned to add I just couldn't find it anywhere. So I figured I would post about what I would like to see most. Thanks for your reply!

03-25-2018, 02:34 PM
Here are some of my suggestions;
.An achievement system; a reason to complete things and do things over.
Ex. Fully explore serbule 10 achievement points - unlocked the recipe for green fluorescent dye
Ex 2. Kill every boss in the crypt - unlock avatar icon

An achievement system is something I'd really hate. Based on past experience, if a game has an achievement list, I play like this:
- work my way through the achievements to try to get them all. Emphasis on "work" here - I'll do them even if they aren't fun.
- skip stuff I might do on my own and enjoy because it doesn't give me an achievement
- become discouraged because of the long chore list of uncompleted and ever expanding achievements awaiting me
- start hating the game because all I do is achievement chores

Quite possibly the problem here is me and not achievement systems. I think what bugs me is that the achievement is something uncompleted that it feels that I have to finish. To me there's a huge difference in having an achievement that says "max skill x - grants 0/100 achievement points" vs just having skill x that I can max or not if I feel like it.

I'm ok with the game's current "Stuff to Do" list even though they are technically a similar system - complete something, get a checkmark for the completion... I think what helps me there is that there is no associated meta reward for doing all the achievements. I can collect all the pretty green checkmarks if I want, but there's no need for me to grind through them all asap in order to get a special title or whatever. Plus the "Stuff to Do" list is basically just a helpful guide for lower zones - in higher zones, I'm on my own and I like it that way.

I like the rest of your suggestions - I like toys like non-combat pets, mounts and cosmetics.

03-25-2018, 03:10 PM
I concur with Tagamogi, i got unfinished quests from a year ago because i consider them a chore and not fun so they are ignored, an achievement system would be a meh.

03-25-2018, 04:13 PM
There are lot of ingame comments, and some posts by new gamers that would be answered by more information.

A lot of this information is available in the blog where the devs talk about upcoming things. Many of the suggestions in this post have already been discussed and will be coming our way at some point.

A comment on loot that can't be traded: The high end skills of augmentation and transmutation do account for some of that. Items become attuned and untradeable.

I agree that I hope an auction house never arrives. While many players want the convenience of mailing items to each other, a full list of items for sale, and the ability to access this from anywhere in the game, it's not good for PG. Everyone playing the game wants the social activities and the community, but an auction house cuts that down. Cuts down the direct contact and communication between players, makes buying/selling anonymous. You take away the social interaction you are trying to build. It's worth the hassle of not having easy trading.

An achievement system....not interested. Achieve what you want to achieve in the game. Skip a checklist people have to finish so they can brag about having done it. Skip scoreboards. Skip any system where people want to score high so everyone knows what they did.

03-25-2018, 10:28 PM
I like achievements. As long as they're achievable. I hate when I get 20/24 and or 90/100 and it doesn't count because you didn't do it by x day. Or you did it before it started counting. Just... Let us say we've done X 20 or Y 90 or had something weird happen and we got the achievement.

But I think they're overblown for Steam credit.