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03-16-2018, 07:44 PM
I'm running an AMD RX 580 at 3-Good setting. It feels like the game is running Witcher 3 at Ultra settings with hairworks on. So much stuttering. Given how the game looks I thought I could run at High settings and get smooth lag free gameplay. Is this just things haven't been optimized yet? Is it just me or do others also experience this?

03-17-2018, 02:24 AM
Citan has been adding and testing optimization features, more than usual recently. But he has said before he doesn't plan to focus heavily on optimizing the game until most of the systems, zones, and art work are in place (i.e. the game is more complete). Probably so he doesn't have to redo it every time something gets changed. Aortick you are not alone, probably a fair number of testers experience graphic related slowdown issues. You might find patch notes and other posts on the forum that explain ways to test and change graphic settings.

03-17-2018, 05:22 AM

That is the best explanation SheildBreaker. Many of us know this but you worded it very well for people that don't.

03-17-2018, 05:38 AM
That is the best explanation SheildBreaker. Many of us know this but you worded it very well for people that don't.

Thanks, if I wasn't so tired I would have done a proper job and found Citan quotes and added links to post about the graphic settings :)

03-17-2018, 08:30 AM
I have a great pc/gfx card(gtx1080) and I get plenty of issues in places like serbule and stuff. But game runs great and can max out graphics once you're outside town. I have just gotten in the habit of changing the slider depending where I'm at. Not ideal but I'm sure it will get fixed eventually.

03-17-2018, 10:16 AM
Thanks for the replies. After going through the Advanced settings, I have gotten the game to run a bit more smoothly. Still not what I would prefer but playable to the point of it not being a distraction. Thank You.

03-17-2018, 10:28 AM
I kinda like that a game has sliders that make even the big PC cry. As long as I can play on my laptop, which I can. I can always turn up and down effects to see what's making choppy, tho the big thing has always been NPC loading for me so I think it's my internets.

03-25-2020, 09:45 PM
I'm running an AMD RX 580 at 3-Good setting. It feels like the game is running Witcher 3 at Ultra settings with hairworks on. So much stuttering. Given how the game looks I thought I could run at High settings and get smooth lag free gameplay. Is this just things haven't been optimized yet? Is it just me or do others also experience this?

ran this game on 2017 iMac with 580 radeon
and just bought the 2019 iMac maximum spec i7 cpu + 128GB ram + radeon pro Vega 48 8 GB , not much difference with max setting on this game