View Full Version : Gui

03-07-2018, 02:54 PM
The skills GUI only allows up to 6 skills per ability. Maybe there could be a setting (unless there is and I am missing it) that allows the fill 1 through 0 or 1 through - keys as skill keys also allowing shift and ctr to be expanded as well. It is a suggestion, but the game is still fun without it.


03-07-2018, 03:42 PM
You can bind whatever set keys you want to the ability bars...
...But the two combat ability bars are limited to six abilities intentionally. The third bar can have more, but only when in-game requirements are met. You can save different load-outs of gear and ability bars by clicking on the 'star'.

Apparently we're supposed to choose six of the abilities from a combat class into our rotation and stick with it.

Potions and food in your inventory can always be used separately, though. They don't have to be assigned to an ability bar to be used.

03-07-2018, 03:47 PM
If you are saying that you want to change the hotkeys for your abilities, then yes, you can re-key almost any action in the game.

If you want to use more then 6 skills per ability then that's not possible because choosing what active skills you want are part of the decisions you have to make. There are a few exceptions, such as shield and I think crossbow that have skills you can use on the left hotbar.

** I guess I should have refreshed my screen before posting a replay. Crissa already answered you**

03-07-2018, 03:50 PM
The game is purposely designed to be played with just 6 abilities per skill.
As I understand it this is to create variety and to also force you to make choices you don't like, do you want that heal or would you rather have another whack button.
Although many of us at times have thought it would be great to be able to use more or all the abilities, I feel most actually learn to like the fact that when 2 people play the same skills they can be played completely differently.
I tend to play a skill till it's at it's max then move onto another, then a few months or years later come back to it when more lvls have been added. It makes it feel fresh and new to add in a ability briefly or seldom used before.

With regard to Crossbow that is ONLY a side bar skill

There are potions and words of power that add 1 or 2 extra side slots for a short period an hour or 2 I think is norm.

Have edited this because as Crissa points out below my usage of skills and abilities as interchangeable terminology is confusing to many including myself. :)

03-07-2018, 05:48 PM
Celler You can only have two combat skills in play on bars, displaying six abilities from each. Swapping synonyms can be confusing for newbies, as it's easy to get the words mixed up. It helps to keep synonyms consistent when teaching a topic.