View Full Version : Another Potential Challenge Run?

02-07-2018, 11:39 PM
I've made a bit of a habit of attempting these threads, but they've been pretty hit and miss so far. I figured I'd see if we'd be able to garner enough interest this time around.

Basically, you'd make a new character and adhere to a specific set of rules, with the winner being determined after a set amount of time.

I'm thinking we'd set the end-date for the steam launch, and it'd give us a chance to test out the low level content beforehand from a new character's perspective.

Anyway, I'd be willing to offer up a reward to the winner (I have a couple Minor Panaceas, a Ambassador of Ri-Shin title and maybe 100k councils)? Though ideally if we'd be offering rewards we'd have a unique title or some sort of community contributed pool for the winner.

As for the challenge itself, note that we have the /behaviorreport command to verify the conditions, and /restrict to help you self-enforce them.

I'm thinking either:

1) No-death characters - self supplied (no trading or grouping; you cannot interact with items other players have dropped, access account or guild storage, or join parties - you can still join a guild if you'd like, but you can't purchase items using guild credits).

Winner is determined firstly by level achieved (to a maximum of level 70) of any skillset (to avoid bias towards skills that level beyond 70) - plus your notoriety score. In the case of a tie (which seems unlikely), lore then endurance is the next point of reference for progression.

2) Zoo - players are assigned a random animal form, and can't leave that form for the duration of the challenge; you can trade and group with other people in the challenge.

At the end of the event, maybe some sort of free for all (or, if numbers are sufficient, team free for all within species) to determine the ultimate animal form. By in large, though, this would be a co-operative experience.

3) PvP - This one would require a bit of help - but I know a permanent PvP flag exists. If we can access it, players in this challenge would always be flagged to be attacked by any other player with permanent PvP enabled.

Ideally, on death only "Enter the Light" is available, and players can't attack each other in towns (particularly Serbule). The winner would be the same as the first challenge plus a point for each unique player killed.

Items dropping on death would be interesting too.

Anyway, they're just some basic ideas and I'm mostly looking for new ways to play Project Gorgon while content is developed (notably, I'm not particularly keen on min/maxing with augmentation and running Gaz Keep all day).

Ideally we'd have access to some unique rewards to incentivise players to participate without making players feel compelled to do so for those rewards.

Typically people aren't too keen to switch away from their mains, and that's understandable, but I figured I'd give this thread another go to see if we can garner enough interest this time around; the tech is already there, might as well utilise it!

02-07-2018, 11:50 PM
I like the idea, it sounds pretty fun. When you say "random" animal form, do mean everyone has the sam3 forum randomly, or each person has a unique random?

Also a thought, it might be interesting to set an hour time limit to promote more skillful play and less binging. If you set it to winner is also calculated by who took the least number of logged on hours, that could be interesting.

02-08-2018, 02:46 AM
I like the idea, it sounds pretty fun. When you say "random" animal form, do mean everyone has the sam3 forum randomly, or each person has a unique random?

Also a thought, it might be interesting to set an hour time limit to promote more skillful play and less binging. If you set it to winner is also calculated by who took the least number of logged on hours, that could be interesting.

I wonder if we could work out some scoring system based on time played, though honestly I'd prefer people play at their own pace and as often as they'd like regardless.

The best solution that I can think of would be to have levels restricted by notoriety, and you can only gain notoriety if nobody else damages your target. It's a bit open to exploitation, but would ensure that skill checks are met at each level threshold.

As for the animal challenge, it's ultimately up to interpretation and I'm okay with whatever people prefer. Though I'm inclined random different forms would work better.

02-25-2018, 10:54 PM
Thinking on it, another interesting take would combine the categories:

For example,

You start off as a human, and when you die you're turned into a wolf - and you essentially "devolve" down to rabbit form.

Perhaps, when dying as a rabbit, your character would end up as a raven forever, essentially marking its death.

Either way, I love PG and would like to mix it up a bit if anyone's still interested.