View Full Version : New Launcher: version 8

01-29-2018, 06:27 PM
There's a new launcher available for download. This launcher addresses problems some players have when downloading the game behind certain types of firewalls. If you don't have any trouble patching with your v7 launcher, you don't need to update: v8 is backwards-compatible with v7, so you can use either one. But if you have trouble downloading, please update to the newest version!

Windows: https://projectgorgon.com/downloads/ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.zip
OSX: https://projectgorgon.com/downloads/ProjectGorgonLauncherMac.app.zip
Linux: https://projectgorgon.com/downloads/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux.tgz

01-29-2018, 06:43 PM
Another note: this version also fixes the DirectX 9 checkbox in the Graphics Settings window. In v6 and v7 of the launcher, even if you had DirectX 9 clicked, you were actually using DirectX 11. This is because Unity changed the meaning of the command-line parameters the launcher used, as they are phasing out DirectX 9 support. (They say nobody's doing DX9 driver bugfixes anymore so it's becoming too hard to support.)

So if you've played in the past 6 months, you've been using DirectX 11, regardless of what the launcher checkbox was on. This is good, because we'll soon be updating to Unity 2017.3, which drops DirectX 9 support entirely. However, if you want to temporarily play on DirectX 9, the new launcher's DirectX 9 button does work now. You will need to manually go in and turn this option on in the launcher, as it will default back to DirectX 11.

01-29-2018, 07:01 PM
i just whish the opengl one would work :(

01-30-2018, 03:39 PM
Under Linux V8 not work. It say it need version 5....

Launcher is out of date! This is version 8 but you need version 5.....

Launcher v7 but works.

01-30-2018, 06:41 PM
Thanks for letting me know! I forgot we are still supporting v5 for Linux (I don't want to break the old fan-made launcher). I've made a new v8 linux launcher that fixes this, URL is the same location:

Linux: https://projectgorgon.com/downloads/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux.tgz

01-31-2018, 06:48 PM
Thanks for letting me know! I forgot we are still supporting v5 for Linux (I don't want to break the old fan-made launcher). I've made a new v8 linux launcher that fixes this, URL is the same location:

Linux: https://projectgorgon.com/downloads/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux.tgz

Thank you :) Its working.