View Full Version : Comments on Gazluk Keep (GK)

01-20-2018, 08:28 AM
I have seen and received quite bit of negativity around the difficulty of GK resulting in many testers reluctant to visit it. Hopefully, this update will help reduce that perception.

First, some reasons why people should test GK:
We are in Alpha, that's reason enough :)
GK is the only place you can reliably obtain level 70 pieces for off-hand, neck and rings
You can make multiple thousands of councils /run (30k+)

What is GK? The current high end dungeon in the game
Who can run GK? Level 60+ testers (though some level 55+ testers have been in groups)
How long does it take? Allow 2+ hours
Is it difficult? Yes, but it is eminently doable with a disciplined group
How many times have you defeated all the bosses? Multiple times

Progress update:
There are at least 6 active testers who can reliably solo single GK mobs (2 mobs = death)
With just 2 of those testers, the level 1 chests can be cleared - they can also reach the entrance to level 2
Note: It still takes 4+ of those testers to take-down most bosses

This means that with 1 of those testers in a group, a group of 6 can clear GK level 1 (excluding bosses) with 5 newly geared level 60 people who are willing to listen and learn

Whilst doable with newly geared level 60 players, GK is still not easy and one mistake usually results in a wipe - which is part of the challenge /fun.

Give GK a go - you might grow to like it. Avoid boss fights until the group is level 70 geared and you are bound to make a profit.

01-20-2018, 09:48 AM
I've also been in GK enough times to have cleared all bosses multiple times, and I've collected enough yellow jewelry to outfit all my alts.

Since the grouping change, my interest in GK has declined dramatically. If you have a build designed around single-target DPS then it might still be fun. If you like to play a support or AOE build then you're simply dead weight to be carried by the rest of the group. Every pull is a DPS check, and while Citan's resolved most of the respawn "wipe" issues, I think it's silly to require a full group outfitted in 70 gear to risk the boss encounters. There's a reason that it's been difficult to find a full group for a run as of late, but before the grouping change there were frequently two 10+ member groups running it.

01-20-2018, 09:57 AM
While the "single target DPS check" sounds true, note that GK has been around for a long time now. The lack of groups could just be that people have exhausted that content, geared up and are no longer interested.

I don't think that change in group loot rule is the reason people don't try bosses as often. I think it's more because bosses don't drop really good loot. I just checked and I only have two pieces that don't drop from orcs. One is from a mini-boss and the other from a boss (and is worse than a piece I had at 60, unfortunately there is no equivalent at 70).

01-20-2018, 12:30 PM
I jump into Gazlak Keep at the end of a crystal harvesting/cave visiting circuit every once in a blue moon just to solo a little for goofs,that's the most exposure to Gaz that I give myself usually.
I don't usually go in for groups there strictly from the standpoint that the wait for a call to group and actual travel time for everybody to get out there can take upwards of 20-30 minutes just to even get started.
That being said I've killed every boss in the place at least a couple of times just from grouping with guildies and such.

The loot is alright but not worth the trouble to my mind,as was mentioned earlier the ring/necklaces/off-hand stuff is all that I would be interested in and there's always alternatives that don't involve Gazlak Keep.
About the only thing I want out of Gazlak Keep now is those Hippogryff feathers for bard hats.

Long story short is it's inconvenient to get to and get a group there for not great loot with the only thing I want out of there being something I gotta craft for myself.
When there's a level 80 dungeon I don't think I'll visit Gazlak Keep anymore.

Edited for spelling

01-20-2018, 02:30 PM
I jump into Gazlak Keep at the end of a crystal harvesting/cave visiting circuit every once in a blue moon just to solo a little for goofs,that's the most exposure to Gaz that I give myself usually.
I don't usually go in for groups there strictly from the standpoint that the wait for a call to group and actual travel time for everybody to get out there can take upwards of 20-30 minutes ,

The loot is alright but not worth the trouble to my mind,as was mentioned earlier the ring/necklaces/off-hand stuff is all that I would be interested in and there's always alternatives that don't involve Gazlak Keep.
About the only thing I want out of Gazlak Keep now is those Hippogryff feathers for bard hats.

Long story short is it's inconvenient to get to and get a group there for not great loot with the only thing I want out of there being something I gotta craft for myself.
When there's a level 80 dungeon I don't think I'll visit Gazlak Keep anymore.

Edited for spelling

Totally agree +1