View Full Version : Support & Suggestions
- Error: Your computer seems to be running faster than real-time.
- My friend can't register to the game.
- Pledge Package Questions
- Help - Question BC
- mushroom teleport?
- Suggestion for PvP dungeon
- User Interface Issues After Reverting
- Project Gorgon T-shirts?
- Login in issues, the forum account and game account are different?
- Possible to run in 1440p?
- Blurry screen?
- Gameplay videos
- Alts and craft skills
- Darker World
- New Launcher Re-downloading whole client?
- Bag Organization
- Project: Gorgon Experimental Linux Launcher
- Character Creation Screen Troubles
- UI/Settings Profiles
- New GUI: Recipes
- I need help with the game Freezing up my comp on log in and changing Zones
- Quality of life suggestions (some carry-over ideas from old GUI and some new)
- New Shop UI
- Make chat darker its to easy to ignore or miss a friends message
- Stuck on a map
- Bug: OSX Login Screen
- Tool tip issue
- quests
- Inventory size issue
- Client ver. rolled back, not updating
- Cannot connect to server
- Clear map pins buttons
- At night: The Serbule ground / land looks to bright
- Title: The Ambassador of Ri-Shin did not work - lost 99k councils
- Suggestion: Buying / Selling via Player Stores
- Bug: Necromancy
- Launcher v7 won't update
- Laucher causing high cpu and gpu usage 80-100%
- Won't let me log in
- Broken Gear
- Will we keep our NPC Favor at Steam launch?
- Game client crash
- Cannot log into game
- Windows player.exe has stopped working error at every logout
- Game Has Gone Blurry - Help
- Connecting To Steam
- Suggestion: Inventory bag-like idea with a twist ..
- Can’t Log-In/Computer Freezing
- Is Steam necessary to play?
- Cannot Download Game: Error Listed Inside
- Suggestion: Option to remove ability tips during mouseover
- How long does it take for the account you make on the forum to be reflected in game?
- This just happened at the login screen
- Some Animal Handling feedback
- Having troubles loading the game.
- Wardrobe
- Bug: Cursor Stuck
- popapp message in the center of the screen
- Magic items
- Bug: mouse skip and bed interaction
- Invisibilty or sneak
- Animal Handling Fixes (Just Ideas)
- QoL Additions
- UI/Video odity Oddity in Gazluk
- Import/Export settings
- Leprosy
- Auto-repeat when crafting
- Swimming Skill
- Craftable temporary tanning racks and mediation pillars
- Game won't install after wipe ?
- Anagoge Island Rework for Steam Release
- Idea: Navigation items
- Confirmation Minimum Specs Required Please
- Can't Log In
- Suggestion Pertaining To Combat
- Separate system messages from chat
- Logging in after being disconnected
- Flia Gift Bug
- What features is the VIP status planned to have?
- Launcher issues
- "third-party game accelerator software and firmware"
- Invisible text on vendor stall, set prices section
- Fog and exploration
- Buying additional slots in transfer chest
- Elvan underwear
- Rahu
- colour or contrast correction ?
- Gui
- Teleportation for Dummies
- UI wishlist
- where is my steam key ?
- Developers :: Please Consider Doing an AMA on the MMORPG Subreddit
- Would it be possible to add a "Favorites" tab to the recipe list?
- new mine & sugestions
- Suggestion: “you can’t pick up this xxx as you have not the proper level in ..."
- Is this a bug or should it work?
- Getting Disconnected
- Here is how to prevent Random / periodic crashing on the steam client for Windows
- Forums forget what the last post I read was?
- So for the past few days my eyes have been bothering me alot since I started playing.
- Post discounted supporting packages in the Gorgon Shop?
- Guild Pages please
- Getting WindowsPlayer.exe stopped responding crash randomly, game was working fine.
- Add Name Change Vouchers To The Steam Store I Wanna Change My Ingame Name
- Can't log in: 'log in' button doesn't do anything.
- /Show all
- LAG - and delays
- Framerate drop in Serbule when looking in certain directions (with video)
- Question regarding optimized meshes
- Serbule Town - unkillable mantis in the floor
- Coming to the Unity engine (or at least they are working on it)
- Ice Conjuration: Crystal Ice
- Surveying/mining bug in "Kur Mountains Simple metal motherlode"
- Client Not Responding Leaving Serbule Hills
- Some Minor Necro Changes
- Some suggestions to help project gorgon really succeed.
- Suggestion for Items
- Player Names vs NPC Names Colors Suggestion
- Raffles not showing items
- Question about Active skills / spells
- Pet's Genders and Breeding
- Did not receive Steam Key
- Giant Bat and skill suggestions
- Tedium is a game killer
- I bought the game at the Gorgon store and nothing.....
- Death... & insanity
- day - night mob spawn & flora
- linux
- Rent a farmer idea
- Words of power are overpowered
- Trying to launch the game, but it crashes and restarts my PC. Help please
- Axe? Axe. Axes?
- Character Modifiers
- Snail shells: the battle against farming low level mobs continues
- Staff Mods for Strategic Thrust are not working correctly - Images
- Idea: Battle Chef
- Collapsible and Expandable Quest Journal Categories
- Pvp
- Hunting and gathering skills (Cosmetics)
- Quality of Life Behind EXP Walls
- Animals, Music, and Gardening
- 2 weeks, donated 500$ still no email.. others are saying they have theirs already.???
- "you already have the maximum entity" bugged char?
- "Sorry, you're not allowed to log in right now."
- Camera Auto-Align
- Crashes every time I try to enter the spider cave
- Necromancer
- Tradeskill windows suggestion
- Syncing Steam account with alpha
- question about damage
- loading screen stay in game
- Cooldown graphic
- Vampire Suggestion - Idea - Beg If I Must
- Can There be a monthly admin smite at scheduled time cuz i missed the other one
- Semi huge exploit Modding a certain way will make itso everyone can use the gear you
- Vulnerable status icon/visual effect
- Un-augmentable Knife
- Auxiliary combat slot
- Music System
- Long hang up on "Loading Assets" then can't interact with anything
- Early Access Cost solution -Island only Free Trial.
- Couple of QoL Suggestions
- My pet suggestions/wishlists
- Bug: Game Frequently White Screens
- Guild Management
- I can't run without holding shift
- The Crypt Keeper – Lich Form
- Chicken Pox Disease
- Hardcore bug and workaround
- Critical - game keeps disconnecting
- Thank you!
- Nerf Archery
- Fishing can be hugely frustrating
- The Economy is lacking
- Sort button of evil, please remove
- Forground drawing over further away terrain (and clouds sometimes)
- PG Swag! Where can i buy some?
- Minor UI Tweak and Combat Change
- Missng skills. How to get back the learned skill?
- Request: Sort Recipes By Level
- Request: Right-click Stop Following Quest
- Request for Necromancy Addition of Music playing Skeletons
- straight forward suggestions (skills and shopping)
- insight into what's coming next
- Critical lycan morph bug
- Anchor runes drop rate
- Suggestion: Character rotation, Goblin
- Hide non primary/secondary skills vendor checkbox
- Please Respond
- Two handed weapon suggestion
- server sugjestion
- Item randomization
- unarmored
- Gazluks Keep is easier than Labrynth and more rewarding
- Server down?
- Question about access
- Project Gorgon PvP
- Feedback : Solo/Grp Content - Storage - Random
- Economy/Gear Accessability/Progression/Milk Money
- Guild Development
- Looting system and clicks
- Stuck on Talking to Server opening screen
- A sword that enables priest like how necro swords enable necromancy
- Icons
- Login Problem with Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
- Buff timer system change suggestion
- Screen freezes every few seconds
- Failing to Login
- Att: Devs. Alpha Character not Synced to my Steam Account
- Idea for Priest abilty
- Possibility of Spider Synergy?
- Help!!!!
- Hello and goodbye section of forums
- Need to work on Social aspect ASAP
- Haggis
- Dynamic Downscaling: Making Lower Levels Great Again!
- Three ideas and one ..
- Turning in Crash Reports
- Instrument Spider Harness
- Alts Hang Out
- Labs Suggestion Beetles
- Anyone Know What To Do About This UI Bug?
- Cannot log into game
- Name Change
- [Quality of Life] Various Suggestions
- How to log in directly? Steam does not work
- Option to show your Crafting Skills & Levels to other players
- Sugestion for Skills Bars
- time to check the pathing on the kur deer again....
- Titles
- *** Unable to Log In -- Frozen at Connection Screen ***
- Cannot log in/Login screen flickering
- NPC's Mutany
- Locking Mouse Cursor when Rotating Camera
- *Need Help* CDN LAG? cant play
- question: problem with leathercraft & other skills.
- Show Guild membership on the forum account!
- Need Help Connecting
- 'Application Running' Error Message - try this
- Anyone else having a issue logging in I got booted
- Guild Alliances
- Dyed Spring Fairy armor: Is this what I am supposed to look like?
- Suggestion for Sir Coth, Durstin Tallow and Gretchen Salas
- Can I have a sickle or scythe weapon combat skill please I will be so happy
- Suggestions probably already suggested
- Forum chatbox to just talk casually
- A voting poll option for when we setup a forum thread post
- Is there going to be a no-steam release? If so, ETA on the no-steam version?
- Can't Load Serbule!
- Quality of life suggestion for /isearch
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