View Full Version : Welcome to Project: Gorgon

  1. Hello Gorgonites
  2. Hello
  3. Greetings Fellow Players
  4. Hello ex ac2 here ForestDutch
  5. Hail, and well met, Alharthians
  6. Hello, just a game drifter here.
  7. greetings and felicitations!
  8. Hello, Hello and MOO!
  9. Hello party people!!
  10. Greetings everyone!
  11. Greetings
  12. Hello everyone!
  13. I present thee a creature most divine: Shamared the Swine!
  14. Greetings! Another newbie here.
  15. Hi folks.
  16. Greetings!!
  17. Another AC refugee
  18. Moved from Asheron's Call, but honestly I was ready to move on.
  19. Gervase here.
  20. Swaggz aka Swaggerz
  21. Nrdr123 Here!
  22. See you in-game
  23. Introductions From Fergus
  24. Hello All!
  25. Hey, hey!
  26. Keep Crashing while loading into Gazluk
  27. Amanda here!
  28. Well met ..
  29. Boolan Lives!
  30. I forgot I backed this game..
  31. Old AC Player Incoming.
  32. Greetings, fellow adventurers
  33. Arlan here.
  34. Hello All!
  35. Hello!
  36. Hello everyone!
  37. OG AC player checking in
  38. Wow! Loving it.
  39. "Hail and well met!" - Dehrek
  40. Never Did a Proper Introduction. lol
  41. Finally decided to use the forums
  42. Introducing: Adamemnon
  43. Introduction: I'm back!
  44. New comer, curious!
  45. Hi!
  46. Forgot to introduce myself.
  47. Introduction (boring subject line, I know)
  48. Been gone but almost back :)
  49. Its me!!
  50. Greetings, and salutations!
  51. Hello everyone!
  52. Hey hey hey
  53. Hiya
  54. Why did it take me so long?
  55. Hellooooo
  56. Naaa introduction. Late*.
  57. Hail and well met!
  58. riiiiiiiiiiiiii!
  59. Total PG convert!
  60. New Player
  61. New Australian Player
  62. Hello
  63. Howdy Y'all
  64. Wow
  65. Hello! very brand new
  66. Salutations, future friend-o's
  67. Complete Newbie here!
  68. Hello All!
  69. Hello From Nocht!
  70. Intr
  71. OwO whats this..?
  72. This game sucks for new players
  73. Greetings - Linux
  74. Hello From Ryker!
  75. A Warm Hello From Kantiko!
  76. noob, lol
  77. It's been a long time
  78. Hi there, Taire here!
  79. Hello, looking for online friends
  80. Hullo there!
  81. New and very excited
  82. Whew, Finally Made It
  83. Well Met and an Introduction
  84. Purchased Explorer Package and didn't receive Steam Codes
  85. You may be interested in this chan
  86. My 1st week in Project Gorgon-
  87. Greetings o/
  88. Hello from Eyvind!
  89. Yo, Mr. SEv3N here.
  90. Wondering what was in the Gorgon Shop?
  91. Howdy! o/
  92. Hello! And a question about progression.
  93. Hello community
  94. Ello'
  95. Yo! Nice To Meet Everyone
  96. Former AC player, returning to MMOs
  97. Penny Dreadful Laureate Arrives
  98. Greetings!
  99. Heyo!
  100. Hello ^^
  101. TIPS OUT for Project Gorgon!
  102. Hi
  103. Hi! (OH MY GOSH!)
  104. Heyo!
  105. hello Gorgon players
  106. Hello Gorgonites
  107. Hi everyone!
  108. "Oh boy.. The new guy is here..."
  109. Hello naaaaa Gorgonites!
  110. 13:05 BST - game has kicked a few people out
  111. Hi
  112. Hey Guys! My names Proximus and I'm new to Project Gorgon!
  113. Hello everyone!!
  114. Noob Reporting In
  115. Hiya
  116. Looking For Friends
  117. Finaly got the game
  118. Olá a todos...^^
  119. Yet another new player
  120. Wagwan
  121. Streamer Index
  122. Congrats to Rummen/Jackencola for his promotion!
  123. hello everyoe
  124. New, loafing around
  125. Hey guys and gals.
  126. Hiya (played in Alpha and plan to return to the game) - quick question about specs?
  127. First day was a good day
  128. helloooo Im new
  129. Hello everyone
  130. Ello!
  131. Hey Everyone
  132. Hello from Scotland
  133. Greetings from San Francisco
  134. Hello!
  135. Hey Guys!
  136. Hi!
  137. Gorgon Shop
  138. New player great game
  139. I have a confession...
  140. Hello!!
  141. Heya!
  142. Greetings from Brazil!
  143. New player
  144. Hello!
  145. G'Day from Down Under
  146. Finally bought Project Gorgon
  147. Hellos, Finally Got The Game
  148. Hello
  149. Good Day !
  150. Hello
  151. Greeting's from Az
  152. Hi everybody!
  153. Hi everybody and goodbye
  154. Hello... again? c:
  155. Rojjin: Taking the blame?
  156. Hello, I love playing this game!
  157. There is no cake in this message.
  158. Hello all
  159. Hey All
  160. Hello! :)
  161. [Spanish/Español]Hola a todos!
  162. Hello, friends!
  163. Found my "Forever Home"!
  164. Playing Demo and have a few questions
  165. Hello!
  166. Missed Milestone
  167. Hello ! Little intro time :)
  168. Finally! Old school lives!
  169. Super excited to check this out. Love a good MMO
  170. Hello Fellows :) ( small introduction)
  171. Hello Everyone!
  172. Hello everyone
  173. New member ... older player of Asherons Call early on .
  174. Tarlow just saying Hi!
  175. Is Tentacle!
  176. This is Tbiggs Saying hi.
  177. Hi everyone
  178. Introductions
  179. Searching for something new
  180. ... (*waves*)
  181. Hello Everyone!
  182. Coming back