Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Patch Notes: March 4, 2017

    This is the first development snapshot with Gazluk Keep, the HUGE level 70 group dungeon. It's designed for groups of five or six players levels 65-75, and it's full of riches, secrets, and adventures. But here's the thing: we have no idea how difficult it is. Impossibly hard? Laughably easy? It's your job to find out and tell us! (On the forum ideally, but in-game feedback is fine too.) Also, if you know how to capture video or stream the game while playing (and are level 65+, of course) then we would love to see you play through it so we can get a feel for how it's working. (We can do a hotfix-update of the dungeon's difficulty if it's really out of whack, otherwise we'll make changes in the next snapshot.) The entrance to the dungeon is the brick-red building in Gazluk City, the orcish city on the Gazluk Plateau. (You may need help fighting your way to the door.)

    Other changes:
    • Hammer treasure mods now scale to 70
    • Druid treasure mods now scale to 70
    • Ice Magic mods now scale to 70
    • Knife mods now scale to 70
    • Cow mods now scale to 70
    • Deer mods now scale to 70
    • Pig mods now scale to 70
    • Spider mods now scale to 70
    • Giant Bat mods now scale to 70
    • Reduced the potency of some Cow and Pig restoration gear mods that were incorrectly calculated
    • By request, some bows now appear larger when held
    • Some textures in Serbule have changed. Most noticeably, buildings and walls are different colors. Do not be alarmed! There's a big graphical update to Serbule coming soon, and a few bits of that update "leaked" into the current version of Serbule. It will all come together in the next snapshot.
    • Ukorga in Kur has gotten tired of all his potential customers dying in the cold. He's set up a signpost at the Eltibule-side entrance to Kur. It teaches you how to build an emergency campfire.
    • Human males' beards no longer protrude out of full-face helmets. (If we missed any helmets where the beard should be hidden, let us know!)
    • Fixed problems with mage robes where you could see through parts of the cloth at certain angles (backfaces were culled when they shouldn't have been)
    • Fixed healing bugs where certain buffs were supposed to be applied to the recipient of the heal, but were instead being applied to the caster of the heal. For example, if your "Healing Received from First Aid" stat is 125%, it should boost by 25% any First Aid treatments you receive (regardless of who uses First Aid on you). Due to the bug, it was instead causing your First Aid abilities to generate 125% healing to whomever it was applied to. For people who were using healing only on themselves, there is effectively no change, since they are both the caster and the receiver in that situation.
    • Syndra's barn in Kur was invisible at close range
    • Most blankets that spawned in Gazluk were not Arisetsu Blankets as intended, making the favor to gather Arisetsu Blankets basically uncomplete-able
    • Fixed treasure mods for Archery that made Nice attacks deal extra damage (but didn't)
    • Treasure mod "Shield Team boosts all allies physical mitigation +X" did not stack with itself
    • For the "/behaviorreport" command, removing items from a personal vault was recorded as removing items from a shared vault. This is fixed, but note that it is not retroactive
    • Added the new chat command "/restrict". This command stops players from interacting with you in certain ways. For instance, if you are tired of being invited to guilds, you could use "/restrict GuildInvite on" to stop all invites. Use "/restrict" by itself for a list of options and more information. (This command will eventually be replaced with a graphical interface.)
    • Glowy Yellow Crystals could not be used in item-crafting recipes. They now act like other un-skill-associated crystals (e.g. rubies) when slotted into recipes
    • Removed about a dozen monsters from one particular hall deep in the Yeti Caves, where there were accidentally twice as many monsters as intended
    • Striga now have a chance to drop guano
    • Fixed a bug that could keep screen shots from showing up in the intended screen shot folder
    • Fixed a bug that could make the "safe mode" checkbox in the launcher not work

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    March 8 Hotfix

    This hotfix addresses a few data bugs in the March 4 update.

    Gazluk Keep Changes:

    • Half the time when using the entrance to the "labyrinth" dungeon, you would enter Gazluk Keep instead.
    • Elite monsters in Gazluk Keep have been boosted by 1 eliteness level, which equates to about +4000 max health in most of their cases.
    • The bosses and named elites in Gazluk Keep have been increased by 1 or 2 bossiness levels, which will equate to a 20% to 50% increase in their max health, and a small increase in armor and damage.
    • The bosses and named elites in Gazluk Keep have higher chances for extraordinary, epic, and legendary loot.
    • Gazluk Armory Chests now have slightly better loot, but require 3 Gazluk Armory Keys instead of 1.
    • Elite Gazluk officers now have a chance to drop a few new miscellaneous items that can be stacked in high numbers. This should reduce the amount of equipment dropped from hallway troops a bit, which speeds up play because you don't have to manage your inventory as often.
    • The Shower Slime boss in Gazluk Keep is the appropriate level now. Note: this boss still doesn't have a warning screen until the next client update, so be careful!

    We'll continue to fine-tune the difficulty of Gazluk Keep based on your continued feedback -- so keep sending it in! Please remember that the difficulty is based on a group size of six.

    Other Changes:

    • The "Galvanizer" staff can no longer be generated with melee-staff treasure mods.
    • The "Tactician's Halberd" and the various craftable Melee Staves will no longer be generated with fire-magic or ice-magic treasure mods.
    • Recipes for special Gazluk abilities are now considered ability scrolls for purposes of selling.
    • Treat Disease 3 can now cure instances of the Glowy yellow Crystal Sickness.
    • Fixed a bug that caused you to earn too much XP and Combat Wisdom when in groups.

    These bugs can't be fixed in a hotfix, but will be included in the next full update:

    • The flicker on the classic mage robes style helm.
    • A giant mushroom is blocking the way in the Kur Wolf Cave.

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